香港護士管理局 Nursing Council of Hong Kong
香港大學醫學會護理學會 The Department of Nursing Studies, HKU
香港護理教育學會 Hong Kong Society for Nursing Education
香港基督徒護士團契 The Hong Kong Nurses Christian Fellowship
世界衛生組織 World Health Organization
香港理工大學 - 護理學院 The Hong Kong Polytechnic University - School of Nursing
香港中文大學 - 那打素護理學院 The Chiness University of Hong Kong - The Nethersole School of Nursing
香港公開大學 - 護理課程 The Open University of Hong Kong - Nursing Programmes
職業安全健康局 Occupational Safety & Health Council
International Council of Nurses
Centre for Food Safety - Nutrition Information on Food Labels