Understanding Aromatherapy (Level 2)
CNE學分: 18 pts CEM學分: 0 pts 開課日期:31/07/2025 (四)

UAT                Understanding Aromatherapy (Level 2)


CNE pts: 18


Qualification Requirement  (資格要求):

- completed Understanding Aromatherapy course provided by AHKNS before 31 July 2025, please upload or provide proof document regarding Understanding Aromatherapy. [於2025年7月31日之前完成護協之 Understanding Aromatherapy課程,報名時請上傳或提供證明文件。]


Level II aims to:

1.          Give participants a deeper understanding of aromatherapy: why and how essential oils work in our bodies (e.g. essential oil chemistry and pharmacokinetics); the best routes and applications for different conditions; and the key considerations, approaches and steps in treatment.


2.          Equip students with the knowledge and skills in the formulation of essential oil blends (e.g. choosing from a reasonably large repertoire of essential oils and base products**, getting equipped with some basic tools and accessories etc) in relieving symptoms of some common physical and emotional complaints.  **By the end of the course, participants would have mastered a repertoire of at least 30 essential oils (20 in Level I and 10 in Level II) and 12 base products (6 in Level 1 and 6 in Level 2).


3.          Equip students with Chair Massage skills to maximize the benefits of aromatherapy.


4.     Pave the way for further study in clinical aromatherapy and other related disciplines.



The course will comprise six 3-hour sessions with content as follows:


Lesson 1  

•    Dispel certain essential oil myths and review some basic facts and principles Learnt in Level I.

•    Plant taxonomy and botanical names of essential oils.

•    Introduction to essential oil chemistry (e.g. Introducing some major Functional Groups, constituents and chemotypes that underline certain medicinal properties of essential oils)


Lesson 2

•    Review 10 essential oils taught in Level I with a new perspective (in light of their chemistry and botanical classification)

•    Pharmacokinetics (absorption, distribution and excretion)

•    The cutaneous and respiratory Interfaces, routes of administration (topical and inhalation) and applications


Lesson 3

•    Review another 10 essential oils taught in Level I with a new perspective (in light of their chemistry and botanical classification)

•    Introduce 5 new essential oils

•    Introduce 3 new base products

•    Blending approaches, dosages and dilution guidelines

•    Demonstrate ways to create a balm for therapeutic use

•    Hands-on Practice/ DIY (e.g. making a 10ml therapeutic balm)


Lesson 4

•    Introduce 5 other new essential oils

•    Introduce 3 other new base products

•    A deeper look at safety and contra-indications (e.g. pregnancy)

•    Create your own aromatherapy first aid kit and blending station

•    Chair Massage (Head, neck and shoulder)– demo and practice.


Lesson 5

•    Clinical Aromatherapy vs Traditional Holistic Aromatherapy

•    Formulations and applications for common disorders (from learning about client experience, establishing aromatherapy goals, considering contraindications, planning oil choices and administration, to examining results and evidence):

**1. Cold and Flu and respiratory Issues

**2. Basic skin care and wound care

•    Hands-on practice/DIY (Blending a 10ml gel/oil, or an aroma inhaler)


Lesson 6

•    Formulations and applications for common disorders: 

**3. Stress and Sleep

**4. Pain Management

•    Hands-on practice/DIY (Blending a 10ml therapeutic massage oil or hydrolat spray)

•    Chair Massage (hand and arm) – demo and practice



Speaker: Ms. Dawn Chan (陳德岫小姐) – Full Member of the International Federation of Professional Aromatherapists (UK), Professional Member of The National Association of Holistic Aromatherapy (USA), Associate Member of the American Herbalist Guild (USA)

Period:  31/7/2025 to 4/9/2025 (Thu, total 6 sessions), 7:00pm-10:00pm

Venue:  6/F, Parkes Commercial Building, 29-31 Parkes Street, Jordan, Kowloon

Fee:     $1,800 (member)        $2,000 (non-member)   (Including course material fee)

*Certificate of Attendance will be awarded for attendance in not less than 80% of the sessions

- completed Understanding Aromatherapy course provided by AHKNS before 31 July 2025, please upload or provide proof document regarding Understanding Aromatherapy. [於2025年7月31日之前完成護協之 Understanding Aromatherapy課程,報名時請上傳或提供證明文件。]

31/07/2025 - 04/09/2025 (星期四) (Total 6 sessions) 7:00pm - 10:00pm
會員 $1800.00
非會員 $2000.00
報讀課程 (會員請先登入)

上課時間:03/04/2025 (四) - 24/04/2025 (四)
CNE學分:8 pts
CEM學分:0 pts

上課時間:22/02/2025 (六) - 08/03/2025 (六)
CNE學分:6 pts
CEM學分:6 pts

上課時間:27/03/2025 (四)
CNE學分:3 pts
CEM學分:0 pts